Monday, July 31, 2006

what is the fucking point right.

say it to my face why dont you. your actions dont match your fucking words bytheway. i have no proof, which makes you a liar. it's sad because whatever is said, scolded and done, you wont understand even when you say you will. the words of another so safely you keep.

what makes that safer, i think it's all the same. what will fade in the end and what wont, i think you will know. so blind, so fucking blind. you've never been there, dont act like you have. you dont know it, so who will know better you think; them just tasting new ground, or me already done.

if you already know, why the hell arent u doing something about it. and why is it when you're in trouble im the 1st one you seek. i feel so cheated. it's not fair. fuckinghurts, you're supposed to be my sister, and im not the enemy. im not.

i dont want to see you fall. but you, you just dont get it. your head's so thick, noise cease to exist. i have nothing to say anymore. just dont let me say the words itoldyouso.

I. O. U. upcoming weeks.

+ t-shirt design for camp committee . + get better. + 2 camp meetings . + newsletter meeting. + Tao Nan Carnival . + le open house . + ...