Wednesday, November 09, 2005

selamat tinggal sayang.

we broke up.
quite amicably i might add.

im not sure what im feeling now. after hours and hours of crying and laughing (because the colleague played friends at work to cheer me up), i feel somewhat numb. and sad. and relieved at the same time. but mostly numb.

(okay shit, now i feel like crying)

i dont feel like going into the details, quit asking me why. they're not as horrid as the other breakup stories ive heard. i told you, it was a somewhat peaceful affair.

so it's over. over. what am i going to do now, i wonder, and am i ever gonna meet someone that im really comfortable with like i was with him. i dunno.

way back when, he said his love wouldnt fade that easily, he said he would not stop loving me, and i was the cynical lover, the stubborn one and i refused to believe it or say it back. the roles are quite reversed now, and everything's a mess.

no more dearbubbleboy; only bubbleboy now.
no more djooo-oolieku; it's dzool now.
no more baby; it's dzool or nut now.
no more dearambellina; it's just another dolled up RX-K now.
no more headlocks; only awkward moments.
no more 'ehiloveyoutau'; only hi, and then bye.
no more 'imissyoulah, bodoh'; only bodoh now.
no more slap here, slap there or being abusive.
no more jetty/seletardam/acrossthecauseway nights now; he'll prolly bring future girlfriends there. no more motorcycle rides, no more playing playstation at his house, no more nice 2nd parents, no more latenightphonecalls, no more phonecalls, no more breakfasts, no more future planning, no more sweetness, no more mushy nights, no more kisses, no more hugs, no more holding hands in the dark, no more laughing over something silly, no more xbox playing, no more moviedates, no more chasing foodcravings together, no more shopping for cds, no more everything blissful, no more listening to you sing to co&ca, no more sweetpromises, no more surprise gifts, no more calling for fun, no more together.

only heartache and memories.

goodbye greatcompany, goodbye 14mth relationship, goodbye comfort.
goodbye you.

hello new old friend.
so you owe me one hug, and i expect a long syawal apology from you, heh.

goodbye us (01-09-2004 to 09-11-2005).
oh we will so be missed.
dont forget me, you.

I. O. U. upcoming weeks.

+ t-shirt design for camp committee . + get better. + 2 camp meetings . + newsletter meeting. + Tao Nan Carnival . + le open house . + ...