Saturday, October 08, 2005

we're all clean-er.

[4 ramadhan]

this year everything should change because there is no purpose for everything to remain the same year after year after year. no point just fasting without doing other holy stuff, is it not. dearfather has been repeating the same speech every year without fail, but this time, this time, i'll try.

we're all getting older anyway, it's time we knew.

today is the cutting of cake for me with a joint bday celebration with my cousin and aunt. dont you just L0v3 big families?

the trouble, ladies and gentlemen, with me and le computer is that i cannot stop shopping online. CANNOT. and it's scary because money is running out and it's only the beginning, gasp. so refrain from the said computer i will. dont bet on seeing me around.

meeting of the le girls and armyboy should be today, sorry i cannot make it. another time okay, because it's been a while since i saw you people. dearlymissed is the word.

belated pictures, but only one.
i cannot stop staring lah, and i really love the sidecar.

-le bday present

wait till i model le bday tubedresses then we'll take pictures, no? hah, stop me, ive become one of those cameraloving people.

callmebeepme if you ever need me.
i cannot say this will be the last you'll see of me. you'll never know.

I. O. U. upcoming weeks.

+ t-shirt design for camp committee . + get better. + 2 camp meetings . + newsletter meeting. + Tao Nan Carnival . + le open house . + ...