Monday, May 29, 2006

there is just no excuse.

do you understand the meaning of friends. really.

i ask because you're just missing the bloody point. why are you always trying to please us. just tell us the fucking truth can. friends who meet up on the weekends? ive long given up on that. the people who do meet up now are the singles.

i digress. look at it this way shall we. we met almost every single day when you were single. we called each other every day. to talk crap, or just blurt out any misgivings of the day. everyday. you were there every single weekend, big crowd or not. dont give me bullshits about how you're not fitted. dah 3 tahun, and now you feel like youre not fitted. you pull us so fucking close to you for so many months and then the moment you find someone to love again, you let us go. tts how i feel. but it's fine, not the 1st time someone do that to me, and i somewhat understand.

boyfriends/girlfriends are on top of the priority list to some.

so here's the thing. dont give us empty promises. if you cannot make it, just say you cannot make it. if you're not joining, just say you're not joining. dont tell us you are when in fact you're not. if you're meeting your bfren, just say so. dont give some cheesy excuse. dont make up excuses when we can just accept the truth all the same. it's not that you buih us or something. we already know you're unreliable. (and i hate the fact that you know it too, but you never do anything to correct that.) we love u all the same. when you put us aside, you never even did ask us out for dinners. so when you do and oh wat a coincidence, he's away; what do u tink we feel.

fuck, i dont care about all that lah. petty stuff okay. friends are friends are friends. the truth eh, is much more better; can you remember that please. oh, and of course we'll be angry: im glad you had the time to brace yourself first.

kalau aku tak kisah/loveyouasafriend, i wont be having this convo, and i wont even be angry. heck, i wont even give a fuck. so stop, okay. jangan give me your sorries, when you've said it too many times for it to mean anything anymore. i dont know the difference between genuine or not. i feel so secondary school doing all these again.

i know you care; it just would be nice if you show it once in a while. words dont mean shit to me. i'm in for the long run. are you?

I. O. U. upcoming weeks.

+ t-shirt design for camp committee . + get better. + 2 camp meetings . + newsletter meeting. + Tao Nan Carnival . + le open house . + ...