Tuesday, March 14, 2006

this is what we call ironic.

because i'm the loveless one around and i have no reason to actually prove or say that loveisafastsong when maybe it is not, or rather maybe i don't want to. oh, just buzz off.

today don't seem to be the best of days.

what i'm trying to be is plain, just plain. no more fancy-shmancy stuff, i don't feel up for it. so le fashionistas shall raid salvationarmy and then maybe a japanese dinner (?) with le gerlfrens. these are the only things i can do best, and the rest are just things to make me feel not like a loser.

oh, you know what?
just let me be.

I. O. U. upcoming weeks.

+ t-shirt design for camp committee . + get better. + 2 camp meetings . + newsletter meeting. + Tao Nan Carnival . + le open house . + ...